BE A special ONE

Let’s make happen something that you probably wished for so long or something that you perhaps thought it wasn’t even possible.

Think about your family, and especially, don’t forget to think about all of those who were there before you, who fought for you and for your better life. Think about those who made you what you are today.

And how about the Christmas tradition that brings back all other family traditions together?
The smell of grandma’s (nonna’s) kitchen, the sound of grandad’s stories, all the family coming together. Laughs, fights, love and protection.

Now, think about those members of your family, who made all this happen; those who left their homes a long time ago and through sacrifice kept alive all of those traditions passed on to you; those who with a suitcase full of hopes and fear undertook a long, uncertain journey. They made all of this happen.

You have to be proud of them!

So, why don’t you give yourself a Christmas present this year and learn more about them? You probably already know what your origins are and where your ancestors are coming from. If not, we can help you with that.

But, imagine going to your ancestors’ hometown and discovering what it looks like. Imagine the view from a Sicilian hill or at the Gulf of Naples that your great-grandfather saw the last time when he left Italy. Now, think of seeing it with your own eyes. Imagine how it would feel to breathe that same air, see the panorama that your grandfathers grew up with and feel all your past in one moment.

We can make this happen

Whether we search for your ancestors’ origin or you already know where they come from, we will tailor for you a special trip to Italy that will be an unforgettable journey, a treasure hunt, of your roots. From the moment you get on a plane, we will hold your hand through this discovery.
Finally, many of those pieces you didn’t know where they were coming from, will take their place in your mind and at last, it will all make sense. By visiting your ancestors' town it will almost feel like bringing back to life all of those feelings that were brought to you by them.

 Let’s undertake this exciting journey together, let’s finally discover why you are so proud of your origins, and let’s find the right place of all of those pieces that deep down are already part of you. Stop wondering and make your memories complete with all of those feelings you can experience on this journey. Visit your ancestors’ hometown and follow your roots with us. We will be excited to share this life experience with you and to make it a trip of a lifetime.

What could be a better present you can make yourself and your family this Christmas?
